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Top 5 BIID Publications

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Explore the BIID publications making a difference to designers and their practice

The BIID understands the varied challenges interior designers face.  From conflicts with clients, to specifying sustainable choices, interior designers need a broad knowledge base and access to a wide range of information. The BIID has collaborated to provide useful and relevant publications and guides to support interior designers. We have compiled a list of our Top 5 must have publications:


1. RIBA/BIID Professional Services Contracts

The contracts have two versions – Concise and Domestic – to suit your project.

They are easy to understand and provide three key benefits:

  • the language used in the contracts are succinct and easy to understand, compared to other standard forms of contracts
  • the terms of the contracts are fair and equitable for both the Client and the Interior Designer
  • the clause structure used in the contracts avoids the use of large numbers of sub-sub clauses and large amounts of cross-referencing between provision.

Login/signup to RIBA Contracts Digital to buy a digital contract. Members will need to get the 50% discount code first before purchasing.

Paper copies are available to purchase at RIBA Books.


2. The BIID Project Book

The BIID Interior Design Project book is the essential step-by-step guide to running interior design projects. BIID Past President, Registered Interior Designer and founder of Tessuto Susie Rumbold authored this handbook which identifies the key obligations of the interior designer at each project stage with straightforward explanations supplemented by invaluable checklists and templates.

Published by RIBA Publishing, the Project book can be purchased via RIBA Bookshops.  BIID Members can receive a £10 discount, details can be found in the Member Area.


3. Sustainable Specifying Guide

The BIID have produced a comprehensive guide on sustainable specifying. Part of an interior designer's responsibility is to advise clients on the environmental and social impact of their project.

Download the full PDF and use it as your guide when approaching sustainable specifying.  This detailed tool kit will be your manual to incorporating sustainability into your design process.


4. Architect Vs Interior Designer

It can sometimes be tricky for the client to decipher where they might need an architect and when they might benefit from hiring an interior designer. Or might it be both?

Read our guide and use it as a tool to advice and educate clients.


5. How to Create an Inclusive Design Practice

A diverse and inclusive interior design industry will not only ensure that everyone working in it feels valued and included, but research has also shown that diverse businesses are more financially successful.

Our detailed tool kit will be your manual to improving diversity and inclusion in your design practice.