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Diversity and Inclusion Survey 2023

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The BIID launch survey to measure diversity and inclusion in interior design

In 2020 the BIID carried out it's first survey to measure diversity and inclusion in interior design. The purpose of the survey was to identify areas for improvement and create a benchmark to measure success. 

The 2020 survey coincided with the launch of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Through the information obtained in the survey and the hardwork of the committee, the BIID made many internal changes, improved resources and worked in the wider industy to bring about much needed change. 

Some of the stand out achievements include:

We are extremely proud of how far we have come in our journey to making interior design inclusive. However, we recognise there is still work to do to ensure long term change within the industry. To help us do this we have launched the Diversity and Inclusion Survey 2023. We are asking all designers, BIID members and non members to complete the survey. It will take 4 minutes and is for everyone: the broader the range of voices we hear from, the more we create a better, more inclusive inudustry.