CPD Provider Directory
UK Green Building Council (UKGBC)
UKGBC is uniting the UK building industry using sustainability as a catalyst to positively transform the places people use every day. A charity with over 400 member organisations spanning the entire sector, they represent the voice of the industry’s current and future leaders who are striving for transformational change.

UKGBC learning team
- Tel: learning@UKGBC.org
- Web: www.ukgbc.org
The UK Green Building Council , The Building Centre , 26 Store Street , London WC1E 7BT , United Kingdom

CPD course title: Sustainability for the Built Environment Course
CPD Fees: Free for UKGBC members, £75 (plus fees and VAT) for non-members.
CPD Duration: Open ended
CPD Venue: Online
Regions: UK Wide
CPD overview
UKGBC Sustainability Essentials email course is suitable for busy people looking to improve their knowledge of sustainability in the built environment. You may want an on-the-go refresher on some of some key topics or be new to some sustainability concepts such as net zero and biodiversity net gain. Whatever the reason, this email course is a great grounding in core sustainability topics, and it arrives conveniently into your inbox each week!
Learning objectives
- Understand key sustainability topics and their relevance to your job
- Demystify sustainability jargon, and gain confidence using it
- Know where to find resources across sustainability topics
- Learn on the move and at your own pace with easy t0-to-read emails
Click here to find out more and book the course

CPD course title: Bitesize Learning
CPD Duration: Open ended
CPD Venue: Online
Regions: UK Wide
CPD overview
UKGBC's Bitesize Learning is a growing suite of introductory-level sustainability resources designed to build knowledge and confidence across industry on key sustainability topics.
Using jargon-free, easy-to-understand language, UKGBC’s learning resources provide a jumping-off point for non-sustainability professionals to begin their sustainability learning journey.
Learning objectives
The resources break down key climate and nature topics into digestible chunks outlining:
- How it is defined
- Its importance in tackling the climate crisis
- How it relates to the built environment
- Relevant resources to consolidate knowledge.