Done Up North specialises in creating modern high-end, distinctive pieces from outdated or damaged vintage furniture, often re-working their function as well as elevating their aesthetic. Although producing upcycled furniture in a variety of styles, brand creator and designer Nicky Cash particularly excels in creating unique geometric surface patterns inspired by Modernist design, which result in luxurious upcycling the likes of which has never been seen before. She works closely with her clients on producing innovative statement pieces whether directly or in collaboration with interior designers.    

Nicky has been sourcing and renovating vintage furniture for over 20 years. She launched her full-time creative business in 2017, putting her wealth of knowledge on all things vintage and upcycled to good use. Since then she has demonstrated her skills live on-stage at Grand Designs Live London and Birmingham, exhibited at Clerkenwell Design Week and Design London as part of London's Design Festival 2022 (under the auspices of The House of Upcycling) as well as giving talks about designer upcycling at a recent Living North Live event.

Done Up North also provides a unique upcycled interiors consultancy for private clients and businesses, reviewing their current schemes and providing design ideas for re-purposing of existing décor elements. And as well as designing and upcycling, Nicky has also dedicated a significant portion of her time to supporting the next generation of furniture refinishing artists via the Done Up North studio workshops and online Design School. Today she focuses on hosting private workshops and demonstrations for groups and organisations, to inspire and educate her audience on the benefits of buying or commissioning designer upcycling or learning how to upcycle items from the professionals. More recently, Nicky has showcased her design and professional upcycling skills on the BBC's 'Money for Nothing' television series.

Location: Leeds West Yorkshire

Member since 2018
