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Anti-Money Laundering Compliance for Interior Designers

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Published date: 1/02/2024

Available until 1/05/2024

AML Compliance for Interior Designers: Are you bound by the same UK Anti-Money Laundering Regulation as the art market?

Discover whether helping your clients buy art subjects you to the obligations of the UK Money Laundering Regulations.  If so, learn how to comply with the strict regulatory requirements.  Not complying, exposes qualifying designers to financial, criminal and reputation risks. This webinar provides you with the practical guidance you need to better understand your obligations.

In this webinar, interior designers will

  • Find out whether assisting clients in buying works of art makes you subject to the UK Anti-Money Laundering laws
  • Learn how not to fall afoul of the UK Bribery laws, and the Sanctions and Bans imposed following Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine
  • Understand the specific risks identified by His Majesty’s Treasury that make the art market vulnerable to abuse by money launderers.
  • The necessary steps to take to set up and run a compliant AML programme
  • Basics of how to conduct Customer Due Diligence 
  • How HMRC are enforcing the Regulations through audits and fines.
  • Summary of the most recent penalties imposed on the Art Market and HMRC's other

Chair: Mathew Freeman, BIID Past President, Rena Neville and Georgie Tarry, FCS Compliance. 

This on-demand webinar equals 1 hour of Structured CPD