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CPD Provider Directory

Cast Furniture


  • Michael Lambrianos
  • Tel: 07342 883 681
  • Web:
  • Address:
    Profile West, Suite 2, Floor 1 , 950 Great West Road , Brentford , London TW8 9ES , United Kingdom United Kingdom


CPD course title: Applying Circular Economy to Office Furniture Projects

  • CPD Fees: FREE

  • CPD Duration: 1 hour with Questions

  • CPD Venue: In-Person or Online

  • Regions: UK-Wide

CPD overview

This CPD explores the potential of remanufactured furniture in promoting sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of the office furniture industry. It emphasizes the need for a transition to a circular economy and highlights the benefits of remanufacturing, including reduced carbon emissions, extended product lifespans and minimized waste. The seminar covers the challenges faced by the industry, such as carbon washing, the perception of remanufactured furniture as lower quality and the lack of standardized practices for assessing remanufacturability. It also emphasizes the role of architects, interior designers and furniture dealers in promoting the adoption of circular strategies and the importance of educating end users about sustainable options. Overall, the CPD advocates for a shift towards remanufactured furniture as a key component of a more sustainable and environmentally responsible office furniture industry.

Learning Objectives

After taking this CPD interior designers will:

  • Understand the global ecological impact of contract furniture.
  • Understand why the choice of furniture is about so much more than just finishes.
  • Understand how furniture suppliers are working to reduce carbon emissions.
  • Understand how specifying sustainable furniture contributes to sustainable architecture and carbon-neutral design.
  • Understand that remanufactured furniture offers sustainability benefits with no compromise on performance.
  • Be able to identify truly ecological suppliers amongst growing cases of ‘greenwashing’.

To book this CPD, please contact Michael Lambrianos on E: T: 07342 883 681