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A Day At Decorex With BIID Member Ana Caetano Alves

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We caught up with BIID Registered Interior Designer Ana Caetano Alves to discuss all things Decorex

Ana Caetano Alves

Decorex is a huge show, how do you plan your day to get the most from the visit? 

I usually start my day at Decorex with the BIID Breakfast—it's a great way to kick off the day with coffee and an insightful talk. Afterward, I like to walk through the show row by row, pausing at the stands that catch my eye. Before attending, I try to reach out to key suppliers I know will be present, so I can schedule time with them in advance. I also make a point to schedule informal catch-ups over coffee with colleagues or industry contacts that I know will be in attendance. The VIP area or the central bar are always great spots for a break and a chat! This year, I'm especially excited about the return of Making Spaces, which celebrates artisans and craftsmen who create stunning pieces.

Crafts At Decorex

Why do you attend Decorex? 

Since the pandemic introduced more flexible work-from-home arrangements, it's been harder to maintain strong connections with colleagues and industry peers. Trade shows like Decorex bring everyone together, boosting team morale and offering the chance to reconnect with existing suppliers and meet new ones. Beyond that, we always discover new suppliers and exciting products that we can’t wait to incorporate into future projects.

Some people dread networking at shows, what approach do you take to make the task less daunting?

Networking is crucial in our industry, and Decorex provides the ideal platform for it. To get the most out of networking, review the list of brands and exhibitors ahead of time, and make a note of those you don’t want to miss. Always introduce yourself and bring plenty of business cards. If you have specific questions about a product or service, ask for the sales representative’s card—it’s common for suppliers to be swamped during the show, so following up afterward is key. To connect with other designers and architects, look out for design talks. These sessions provide great networking opportunities where you can engage with speakers and fellow attendees afterward.

Guests At Decorex

Any final words for designers who are not sure if they should attend?

As both a designer and educator, Decorex is one of my favourite design shows in the UK. I always encourage my team and students to attend—it’s an invaluable experience to be immersed in such a creative atmosphere. You leave inspired and with countless ideas and additions to our resource library.

Don't Miss:

Decorex Breakfast

Incoming BIID President Angela Bardino will be talking to Naomi Astley Clarke, a highly sought after luxury designer who was named as one of Andrew Martin's top 100 in the world. This will be an informative discussion in an informal setting and the perfect way to kick off your day at Decorex. 

Book here.

BIID Panel

Balancing Creativity and Technology: The Role of AI in Interior Design

11am, Tuesday 8th October

Chair: Angela Bardino, BIID President

Panel: Susie Rumbold, Founder of Tessuto Interiors and BIID Past President, Preet Anand, Founder Mood Interiors, and Stephen Dick, Founder of Residence Interior Design.

Book here.

Special Thanks

With thanks to BIID Registered Interior Designer Ana Caetano Alves for her contribution. Ana is the founder of ACA Interiors.

Additioanl Resource: Read more Top Tips on Effective Networking from BIID Members