Inside Knowledge Conference - What is an Interior Designer Worth?

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The conference
Why attend?

Fees Research Revealed
What is your worth?
This year's Inside Knowledge Conference will reveal the findings of in-depth research by the BIID and Houzz to give interiors designers an insight to the reticent subject of fees. Answering the questions interior designers have wanted to know for years!

Keynote Speaker
Katharine Pooley
Conference Supporters

Conference Partner
Havwoods International
At Havwoods they set the trends in interior design. It is their mission, and passion. They thrive on inspiring their clients with continuously evolving range of high-quality flooring design, creating spaces which aren’t just functional but also beautifully designed. Havwoods have been around for over 40 years supplying architects, interior designers and individuals around the world. They concentrate almost exclusively on wood flooring: engineered and solid wood for floors, cladding and joinery, and bespoke solutions in all situations, in a wide variety of species and with every conceivable finish. The very best products are selected from the best manufacturers worldwide and as a result have a superior portfolio of over one thousand different types of wood flooring. Havwoods's commitment to quality, expertise and customer service make their loyal customers come back them time and time again.