BIID to launch new member Code of Conduct in 2021
The revised Code has been approved by a membership vote.
The BIID will be launching a new member Code of Conduct that will go into effect on 1st April 2021. The new Code was approved by a vote of the BIID membership at the most recent General Meeting held in December 2020. The development of the new Code was overseen by the BIID’s Professional Practice Committee. The Committee did extensive research into contemporary standards of ethical and professional practice both in interior design and other professions.
The purpose of a Code of Conduct is to articulate the values of an organisation and set out the standards of professional conduct that members are expected to adhere to. Members are expected to be guided by the spirit of the Code as well as its specific clauses.
The new Code is based on 14 principles, split into 3 clear sections:
1. Procure work honestly and responsibly.
2. Act with integrity and avoid conflicts of interest.
3. Have an agreed written scope of services and renumeration method.
4. Perform your role diligently.
5. Be responsible with client’s confidential data and finances.
6. Manage your work/business professionally.
7. Have appropriate insurances in place.
8. Know of and adhere to regulations, relevant to your projects, profession and business.
9. Improve and maintain the reputation of the interior design profession.
10. Undertake and record Continued Professional Development.
11. Encourage the sharing of knowledge and information between other members, the construction industry and the general public.
12. Treat all others fairly and with respect.
13. Consider the wellbeing, Health and Safety and societal impact of all those affected by your work.
14. Lessen the environmental impact of your work and promote sustainability.
We have endeavoured to write the new Code in plain English in order to make it accessible, approachable and useful for designer and client alike. We have also included definitions and guidance to support members in adhering to the Code and embedding the principles in their interior design practice.
The Code of Conduct is one of the pillars that underpins the overall message of professionalism and integrity that designers communicate to clients when they say they are members of the BIID. The Code is backed up by our Complaints Procedure, the process by which we investigate alleged breaches of the Code.
The current Code will be replaced by the new Code as of 1st April 2021.
“The Professional Practice Committee and I put so much hard work into producing the updated Code of Conduct and are thrilled it has been approved by members. We set out to produce a Code which is clear to use, easy to refer to and demonstrates to clients and the industry the high levels of skill and professionalism they can expect from BIID Associate and Registered members. We are also delighted that the new Code includes and promotes the important values of the BIID and its members.
I am excited that our new BIID Code of Conduct will protect and where necessary improve the reputation of the Interior design industry.”
Liz Bell, Chair, Professional Practice Committee
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