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CALL FOR EVIDENCE: Inquiry into the relationship between design & behaviour

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The Design Commission have launched a Call for Evidence for their newest inquiry into the relationship between behaviour and the built environment.

They invite all interested parties to submit their views on the questions below. The questions are divided into general and more specific questions. The Commission  welcomes evidence from individuals and on behalf  of  organisations, and  will  accept  evidence in a variety of formats (eg. Audio/visual submissions, or data analysis in support of written answers). The deadline for submissions is Friday 3rd July 2015. The inquiry  will also be holding roundtable  evidence  sessions in  the  Autumn  Term, and  may invite submitters  to  give  evidence to the Inquiry Co-chairs in person.

  1. Does the built environment affect the behaviour of individuals or communities?
    Is there evidence to suggest that it does or does not?
    If yes, in what ways?
  2. Are there examples of changes in behaviour on the part of people in the UK in relation to any aspect of the built environment? What examples should the Inquiry look at, both positive and negative?
  3. Are there examples where people have changed their behaviour as the result of some aspect of the built environment?