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Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022

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A Message From the BIID President

The United Kingdom has seen two Elizabethan eras in its long history; the first marked the setting sun of the Tudor dynasty giving rise to the dawn of the Stuart Royal Family whereas the second, forever remembered as the longest reigning British monarch to date. After an exceptional seven decades of service and dedication to the British people, Queen Elizabeth II’s passing on 8th September 2022 has affected many across the nation and the world. As the country enters a state of mourning before her funeral on Monday, Britain reflects on the triumphs and challenges Her Majesty the Queen has faced in her seventy-year reign, and pays its respects to the Royal Family, who grieve for not only their Queen, but also for a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother who brought so much to her family’s lives.

Here, at the British Institute of Interior Design, we are deeply saddened by the loss of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. Our heartfelt condolences are with the Royal Family, the nation and the Commonwealth. As a mark of respect for this time of loss, the Institute will close on Monday 19th September 2022 whilst Her Majesty is laid to rest. We wish the newly appointed King Charles III every success within his new role.


Mathew Freeman, BIID President